Nollywood actor and filmmaker, Kunle Afolayan has reacted to claims by his younger brother, Aremu, that their dad, Adeyemi Afolayan, aka Ade Love, who was a famous filmmaker, lived a very poor life despite his fame.
In an interview with Punch, Kunle said: “do you know Ade Love? Was Ade Love a poor man? That is his (Aremu’s) own opinion as everyone has a mind of their own. I would not say things were rosy, but we were never poor. If your parents were able to give you quality education and you enjoyed some luxuries that a lot of people didn’t have access to, then you cannot openly say you come from a poor home.”
He stressed that during the lifetime of his late father, he was the biggest filmmaker in Nigeria and he was always busy working on projects. He said, “I am sure I didn’t come from a poor home. Though I cannot speak for anyone, I just think he (Aremu) is stupid.”
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